Do you sometimes feel that you spend far too much time on the tasks that don’t really move your business forward? Do you sometimes think that you would like more focus? Do you need clarity on possible funding options?

Founding, building and growing a business is associated with various risks and concerns that can block your actions as an entrepreneur. A lack of liquidity, a sluggish start-up or unplanned adversities can certainly make life difficult as well. On top of that, the search for suitable investors usually turns out to be extensive and protracted, a circumstance that makes it difficult for you to concentrate on your core competencies. The desired success fails to materialize, and many entrepreneurs begin doubt their own projects.


This is precisely where support programs such as the Coaching BONUS (support for business coaching in Berlin) or the BAFA Consulting Grant take effect. They provide financial resources that enable entrepreneurs to introduce relevant measures in their company through professional consulting and to develop a strategy that will lead the business to long-term success.

This is where our team comes in. We offer comprehensive coaching and sparring as part of the IBB Coaching BONUS program or BAFA Business Consulting for companies that need a fresh look at their business issues and new focus for their business strategy.

Technologically oriented startups benefit from our experience as EU mentors and secure financial support through the Mentoring & Coaching Network (MCN) of the European Union.


Ihr persönliches Coaching staatlich gefördertYOUR PERSONAL COACHING STATE SPONSORED

Kostenübernahme bis zu maximal 20 BeratertageASSUMPTION OF COSTS UP TO A MAXIMUM OF 20 CONSULTANT DAYS

Unterstützung bei der Antragstellung SUPPORT WITH THE APPLICATION PROCESS

Klarheit über Optionen für Ihre UnternehmensentwicklungCLARITY ABOUT OPTIONS FOR YOUR COMPANY DEVELOPMENT

Umfassendes Verständnis über FinanzierungsmöglichkeitenCOMPREHENSIVE UNDERSTANDING OF FINANCING OPTIONS

Strategie für nicht rückzahlbare Zuschüsse und DarlehenSTRATEGY FOR AQUIRING NON-REPAYABLE GRANTS AND LOANS

Take advantage of your free initial consultation now!


We support you within the framework of a coaching program specially developed for Berlin and help you to apply for the corresponding subsidies for individual coaching. If your application is approved, you will receive reimbursement for a maximum of 20 consultant days, during which we will work with you specifically on your sales, financing, and marketing strategy – and thus on your individual and targeted growth. We introduce you to important B2B (business-to-business) contacts and advise you on how you can most effectively use these new business relationships.


Whether you are setting up a new business, a company succession, internationalization or even stabilization of your existing company – we will support you in meeting any challenges which may arise. Our task is to support you with professional expertise, know-how and extensive industry experience and to build up a company strategy for long-term growth. We offer you help to help yourself and thus the key to your company’s success.

In the past, we have already supported numerous companies in their individual plans, and together with our clients, we have developed a suitable corporate strategy that guarantees long-term success. It is important to us to communicate with our clients at eye level and to communicate facts clearly. A principle that our clients appreciate.

Don`t hesitate. Make a free consultation appointment to finally get the answers to your questions.

Take advantage of your free initial consultation now!